Companies with a world impact

This week the US congress has been questioning the practices and ethics of the four companies that probably have the biggest impact on the citizens of the world (outside China) – Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google owner Alphabet.

Here are some links from the BBC to follow the story:

US tech giants face Congress grilling

Five key moments from the big tech grilling

Big Tech: What comes next for the US giants?

The articles are focused on the relationship between Big Tech and Americans – but the reach of these four companies is global and what comes about in America with respect to them is going to impact us all.

During the pandemic and the various lockdowns the use of online retail and services has exploded. In retail Amazon has taken a lion’s share of the market around the world – with Facebook and Google benefiting from advertising revenue because the world moved online. The next questions are:

  • Are these companies going to pay tax and if so to which country or countries?
  • Will the taxes paid be equitable with the relative spend of that population with that company?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles