I am Spartacus, No I am Spartacus

This is not really about Spartacus but Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous and secretive father of Bitcoin.

Someone has written to Bruce Schneier declaring that Bruce is Satoshi Nakamoto. The article is worth a read.

I Am Not Satoshi Nakamoto (Schneier on Security)

Bruce has an explanation of the “old forgotten archives” but all I can see is “Raiders of the Lost Ark” but he would need a different hat!

All speculation and fun aside the underlying technology of Bitcoins, the blockchain, has excellent real world application in providing great security for information. Watch Bill Buchanan’s video below explaining his ideas. When he was teaching us about crypto-currencies and the blockchain on the MSc course he spoke well of the technology but also stated he had no Bitcoins.

Here is a link to the original paper explaining Bitcoin.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles