iOS 15 – a quick word about privacy

I updated my iPhone as soon as iOS 15 was generally available – see the story here:

Here I just want to mention a feature that may be new and if it is not, I was not aware of it.

I had some display issues with the iOS 15 and as a fix I powered down the iPhone for a restart. When I did, I got this message.

IOS security

The “Find My” function has been a strong anti-theft, cybersecurity tool since it was introduced. Having it run even with the phone off makes it even stronger. Denying the attack vector of simply turning the off to the hacker/thief.

This does raise other privacy issues – simply turning off your phone will not protect you if you do not want to betray your location. This will make it more difficult if you are sneaking off for a quick Big Mac when on a diet, buying your wife a secret birthday present, having an affair or other activity you want to keep secret. You will need to take other steps if you want to remain anonymous.

Privacy is something that many organisations struggle with – the much discussed GDPR did not include a definition for privacy, just indicated the types of information that should be “private”. At Smart Thinking we have a framework that enables board members and managers to examine their systems and recognise where privacy issues lie.

And just in case you thought information privacy was something we thought of in the 21st century:

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles