I just have to use my slippery fish analogy again… – #BeCyberSmart

As a business owner or board member you have to think about the cybersecurity challenges know how your information is protected at all times. But just like a slippery fish when you think you are on top of it – it slips out of your hands…

Because someone asks a question like this:

So what do you do if you have to send a laptop back for repair?

Here is a short article from Scott Fendley at the SANS Internet Storm Centre talking about just that issue and confidential data.

Warranty Repairs and Non-Removable Storage Risks (sans.edu)

Data categorisation and how smaller businesses and organisations use it (or not) was a theme in my Master’s dissertation. I hosted a discussion group of local business owners, as part of the research, and the conclusion from that was that they thought it was a good idea and it would have benefits for their organisations. From that we have had consultancy work helping implement data categorisation using our internationally recognised frameworks..

Two things to take away from this:

  • Do you categorise your data so you can identify critical information that needs action
  • Do you have a policy for what happens to your hardware – especial portable devices and removable media?

here is my first “slippery fish” blog – it is also relevant to this discussion.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Photo © Clive Catton www.clivecatton.co.uk