Make sure everyone knows how Multi-factor authentication works

Part of how we, at Smart Thinking, help clients towards secure compliant systems is that we understand that this can only be achieved if everyone from the top down in an organisation understands how their parts in the jigsaw of cybersecurity works.

This excerpt, from a longer article by Roger Grimes, that Bruce Schneier has on his site illustrates why our approach works so well.

Problems with Multifactor Authentication – Schneier on Security

I have read the full article, and it has made me review our MFA training and policies both at Octagon and for our clients. You do not have to read the whole thing, read the except below to understand the issue. Then think about your approach to MFA – is it resilient to this type of attack/error?

If you cannot answer that question or you do not like the answer you get then we can help.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

A Quick overview of MFA:

Multifactor Authentication | MFA | Microsoft Security

Why Is the Majority of Our MFA So Phishable? Roger Grimes | LinkedIn