Is your password “liverpool”?

Is your password on this list?

Before we start – the above statement sets the wrong tone for this article – it implies that you have a singular “password” but as we all know that is not true – you need many. However the social media people wanted that wording!

Why you should not reuse a password – Smart Thinking Solutions – for more details on why reusing passwords enables the simplest hack there is.

Back to the list…

The Conversation has an article, about a research project, examining passwords globally and it still shows the most popular passwords are completely insecure.

Most common passwords of 2021: here’s what to do if yours makes the list (

If you live in the UK and use “liverpool” as one of your passwords you are joining nearly a quarter of a million others who think that is a good password – it was third most popular in the UK.

For some simple advice on better passwords check this article:

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Here is the original research article:

Top 200 Most Common Password List 2021 | NordPass