E2EE – a new acronym for you – is it good or bad? Or why privacy is difficult.

Speaking purely with my cybersecurity hat on – end to end encryption (E2EE) is a very good thing, even an essential thing to preserve your and my privacy. It is a communications link method where only the parties at either end, for whom the communication was intended, can read and use the information contained in it.

Who is going to argue with that?

Well authoritarian governments trying to suppress dissent do. They do not want their oppositions to communicate securely, passing secrets, because that means they may lose power. Of course these regimes probably like E2EE for their “official” communications, to keep their secrets and power.

Do you still support E2EE?

Then why does the UK government constantly want to weaken or completely do away with your and my right to use E2EE in our communications? How could they create an argument against a tool that protects the citizen’s right to privacy and yet still expect those same citizens to support them and vote them back into office at the next election? Here’s how:

New campaign aims to stop more encrypted apps – BBC News

Here is the campaign:

No Place to Hide

This campaign is to gather support for the UK Government Draft Online Safety Bill.

It is true that criminals and child abusers use E2EE to hide their illegal and disgusting activities. I am 100% behind the authorities doing their job of protecting all citizens, young or old, against crimes and catching these criminals. But how much of our privacy and human rights do we have to give up to do this?

Simply turning off E2EE will stop the child abusers having access to secure communications but will not stop child abuse. The crime was there before E2EE and will be there when your and my privacy has been eroded by this campaign – the abusers will go back to other ways of communicating.

I want to see a national discussion about how you balance a weakening of security and the consequential increase in the surveillance allowed by our government and still protect the privacy of law abiding citizens.

I do not know the answer – but I know I want my privacy and I know I want the criminals caught! What is needed is a proper debate and a measured response.

Now do you like E2EE?

As citizens we need to help increase the protection of our young people and so at Smart Thinking we are promoting this government initiative:

Let’s stop abuse together. (campaign.gov.uk) – as education is always a good way forward when dealing with difficult issues.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

p.s. Just a little more about the privacy conflict…

On a side note to my privacy, I am away at the moment, connected to the internet via the resort’s password-free wi-fi. Basically anyone can get on to it and from there who knows what they could do or see. I know about https, pc based firewalls, drive encryption and permissions, all essential steps in protecting my privacy and information. But I also like to use a VPN, so no one can see what I am doing on the internet. Bottom line to this extra security step is that I am at this moment connected to the Smart Thinking blog, writing these words, with the reassurance that any bad actors that could be on this open wi-fi cannot steal any sensitive information from me or my company.

Now check the BBC link above, it is bbc.com not bbc.co.uk. For reasons that include controlling access to iPlayer content and probably to do with the unique way the BBC is funded, when I am using a VPN, even though it is located in the UK and I have a TV license, I am redirected to to the .com site, with adverts!

Told you privacy was not easy.

Further Reading

Campaign aims to stop Facebook encryption plans over child abuse fears | Facebook | The Guardian

Online Safety Bill articles (Smart Thinking Solutions)

Online Safety Bill publications – Parliamentary Bills – UK Parliament

Draft Online Safety Bill (Joint Committee) – Summary – Committees – UK Parliament

Draft Online Safety Bill – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Smart Thinking Solutions supports this UK Government initiative:

Let’s stop abuse together – Stop Abuse Together (campaign.gov.uk)