Here’s an amusing story about the Missouri State Governor

Before we start keep your finger away from that F12 key. In Missouri the Governor believes that a journalist using F12, on a badly coded website run by his state government, would cost the taxpayers of that state $50m!

Missouri ends effort to prosecute ‘view source’ journalist • The Register

Using the F12 key to view the source code of a website cannot be viewed by anyone who understands the technology or anyone who take a minute to ask an expert, if they do not understand the technology, as hacking.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson obviously does not understand the technology and is too busy being Governor to take a minute and ask an expert. If he had asked for some educated advice he would have been told the security leak was his responsibility, thank the journalist nicely, apologise and get someone to fix the issue now.

You are responsible if your organisation’s website leaks information.

UPDATE 23 February 2022

A quick side trip back to Missouri – their Governor has such a good grasp of cyber security – Smart Thinking Solutions

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

p.s. I thought about saving this for “Because it’s Friday” but it may only be truly funny to cyber-security people.