Isle of Wight ferry company suffers a data breach. Do you need better cyber security?

Wightlink has reported a possible cyber security breach to the Information Commissioner’s Office and the local police and fears that it has lost control of customers’ personal identifiable information (PII). This PII may now be in the hands of hackers.

Wightlink customers’ details stolen in cyber attack – BBC News

I have noticed a trend recently that companies who have suffered data breaches are referring to them as “highly sophisticated” before the authorities have completed their investigations. I wonder how they know.

If you are responsible for the PII in your organisation, ask yourself these questions

  • Do you want to have better cyber security, and policies and procedures in place?
  • Do you, as a board member or senior manager, want to know where you should be deploying your cyber security resources for the best effect?
  • When you are rolling out your better cyber security do you want to know it is actually protecting your key business continuity assets?
  • Do you need clear workflows so both your management and staff know what is happening and what their responsibilities are?
  • If you have a third party doing this work for you – would you like to measure their performance against measurable standards?

Answer yes to any or all of the above and we have the tools to make it happen for you.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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