Weak cryptographic keys in the wild – UPDATED

This post was originally published on 15 March 2022

Researcher, Hanno Böck, has found very weak cryptographic keys in use that have been generated by SafeZone Crypto Libraries, once owned by Inside Secure and now owned by Rambus. These keys are so weak that consumer grade hardware running old algorithms.

Researcher uses 379-year-old algorithm to crack crypto keys found in the wild | Ars Technica

Breaking RSA through Insufficiently Random Primes – Schneier on Security

Recently there have been other issues with cryptographic key security:

Check your Let’s Encrypt certificate – Smart Thinking Solutions

Samsung smartphones with leaky security – Smart Thinking Solutions

How many other weak keys are still in use?

You had better check your website, smartphone, server, web apps etc. If you do not know how to proceed with such a project – then contact us.