Because It’s Friday – a sharp James Webb space telescope and a little extra about passwords

Just before we get to the James Webb space telescope. I prepare these Friday offerings during the week as I see something interesting. Once posted on a Friday, it is inevitable I then see something else, on Friday afternoon – which was the case with the James Webb initial alignment image. So look what happened this morning:

“Change Password” – Schneier on Security

Now back to the original story…

Here is some good news from NASA – following the bad news about their ability to cope with an insider threat cyber attack.

The team running the space telescope have achieved another milestone on getting this impressive mission online. The 18 hexagonal, beryllium mirror segments have been synchronised so they now create a single coherent images – see above.

NASA’s Webb Reaches Alignment Milestone, Optics Working Successfully | NASA

Watch out for our longer background reads this weekend – I wanted to call it “something for the weekend”, but I was over ruled!

The idea behind the feature is to highlight some longer reads that will give you some background into the cyber security landscape that your organisation is facing – and occasionally something that just attracts my attention. Grab a coffee – or caffeinated/non-caffeinated beverage of your choice and go and have a look.

The Weekend reads feature at Smart Thinking

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

NASA releases first image from an in-focus Webb telescope | Ars Technica