Security Theatre

Security Theatre – is a term I first heard at Napier during the lectures and now I know where it came from, Bruce Schneier. I use the term all the time when discussing cyber security with clients, trying to move them from theatre to real cyber security. One example, putting up a sign showing that a particular cyber security company is helping you, adds to their advertising, but adds nothing to the cyber security(for real).

Have a look at this article by Bruce to get an idea as to what security theatre is. It is interesting that he coined the phrase for the security airlines, among others, brought in (and still use) to prevent terrorism.

Why Vaccine Cards Are So Easily Forged – Schneier on Security

And read beyond the first paragraph you will be surprised where this is going.

We do not indulge in security theatre.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Diana and I have both attended several talks by Bruce, here is a short piece Diana wrote after the last one.

Cryptography after the aliens land – Diana at Smart Thinking Solutions