Remember “Scammers are always out there looking for their next victim”

This is a constant problem – scammers contacting people, usually by phone, offering a service or stating that the victim’s computer is infected by a virus, often claiming to be from Microsoft. Once the scammer establishes “trust” they then offer to remote into or screen share to the victim’s computer, supposedly to “help”. But in reality, in the background, unknown to the victim, accessing bank accounts and carrying out transactions, stealing confidential information and possibly installing malware.

Screen-sharing scams on the rise, watchdog warns – BBC News

I keep my Mother (who is an iPhone addict) well informed about this type of scam – as the more aged among us are prime targets for these lowlife scammers. Take responsibility for your friends and family and make sure they know to never to allow a stranger remote access to their computers or devices.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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