With a title that includes “Bond Villains” you cannot possibly miss reading this…

A few weeks ago I ran a post that pointed at an excellent article in the New Yorker magazine looking inside the world of the NSO Group the developers of Pegasus. Pegasus is a commercially available spyware cyber-weapon.

Inside a commercial spyware company – Smart Thinking Solutions

The Canadian research group Citizen Lab features in the above – especially it’s research into the use of spyware against Catalan politicians. Citizen Lab, based at University of Toronto, has for more than twenty years has been investigating technology led human rights abuses.

The article below is an interview with it’s current director, Ron Deibert, where he discusses the current threats to human rights when it comes to hi-tech interference and what democratic governments need to be thinking about.

Spyware and ‘a world of Bond villains’ – The Record by Recorded Future

Both of these are probably “one mug of a beverage of your choice” articles.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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