Google – “cybersecurity is one of the top issues facing the world today”

The quote is from an article by Royal Hansen, Vice President of Engineering for Privacy, Safety, and Security, outlining how Google sees it’s role in making it a more secure world.

Building a secure world (

I always have a seed of doubt when I read anything like this from Google, especially when comes from the team around very senior people in the organisation – as the Google business model is firmly based on using information it gathers from it’s users to make money. Now “usually” they do it in an ethical straight forward way, but they do have their moments. They also do some excellent thing – see the three articles in the Further Reading below – I particularly liked their active role in pursuing hackers – this is something Microsoft also does. Big Tech using their power for all of us.

Overall the article from Royal Hansen and his team is positive and it shows us how Google is looking at the big picture not just their bottom line.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

A Google story – this time they are going after the scammers – UPDATED – Smart Thinking Solutions

I really like this – more transparency in the Google Play Store and the way apps will use your personal information – Smart Thinking Solutions

Google has more ways to keep you safe online from cyber threats and protect your privacy – Smart Thinking Solutions

Privacy concerns regarding Google – Wikipedia

Microsoft takes action against cyber crime gangs – Smart Thinking Solutions