This story starts off as Science Fiction come true but rapidly becomes about privacy

Contact lens computer screens, you cannot get more Mission Impossible, Batman (have you seen the latest Batman?) or just science fiction than that. Pop in your contact lenses and useful info is floating there in front of your world. Need a photo, blink twice. Need to know what “today’s Specials” are at the restaurant, then stare hard at it.

Could contact lenses be the ultimate computer screen? – BBC News

However, if you blink twice and take a photo, does that person know you took the photo? Are the lenses, as part of the InstaGooFace user agreement, you just blinked through when you first used the contact lenses, telling some third party what you are looking at – constantly. Do they go black, when you look at an advert for AppMicTwee social media?

Then there is charging and eye hygiene…

Well it was exciting whilst it lasted.

Is it time to really sit down and think about the privacy issues in your business, rather than just using those UK GDPR templates you picked up on the internet and the web site consent forms the web designer just added for you? At Smart Thinking we have some excellent internationally recognised frameworks that we can work through to make your business more privacy responsible.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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