Tourist rebound after COVID-19 is an obvious target for phishing attacks

Research company Proofpoint, has shown that the threat actor, tracked as TA558, has increased it’s phishing campaigns targeted at hotel and travel companies, to coincide with the rapid increase in foreign travel as the pandemic decreases.

Hackers target hotel and travel companies with fake reservations (

Threat actors are always on the look out for those social situations that they can exploit without conscience.

Your best defence against phishing and social engineering threats is a well trained team

This type of training is so important for any defence in depth cyber security plan that we have a variety of options for delivering it to our clients:

Cyber Awake | Train Your Team To Protect Against Cyber Attacks

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.

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