This time there is more of a security issue with iOS rather than Android

Usually when I am discussing smartphone app security, Apple iOS has an advantage over Android apps, because of it’s curated App store that stops (most) of the security issues from getting through to the end user’s devices.

Now researchers have discovered Amazon Web Service credentials hard coded, by careless developers into a range of mobile apps – the majority of which were iOS/Apple apps:

Over 1,000 iOS apps found exposing hardcoded AWS credentials (

Once compromised these credentials could give threat actors access to private cloud using valid credentials – make discovering the breach more difficult.

So check those apps and then consider how a code compromise in the software you have had written for you would impact your cyber security! Not sure what I mean or if this applies to you – then read this:

How secure is open source software? Do you use open source software or have software written for you? If so read on…

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles