Every major event will attract cyber criminals. What is your organisation doing on Monday 19 September?

The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the associated ceremonies and period of national mourning will be no exception:

Potential phishing activity update – NCSC.GOV.UK

The National Cyber Security Centre has issued a warning that the potential for malicious phishing, social engineering and scam cyber-attacks is very high at the moment. These threats can arrive by email, text and messenger apps and phone calls.

Everyone, businesses, organisations, families and individuals should be on guard should be aware and vigilant.

One thought I have is that Monday, the day of the funeral, will be a particular risk day. Many businesses will be reducing their operations. We will be, there will be no news here and the support engineers will be only on emergency call-out and not even answering their phones during the time of the funeral. That is a window of opportunity across the country for threat actors.

Take a moment to speak to your team about the risk or just circulate this blog post to them.

Further Reading

Death of Queen Elizabeth II exploited to steal Microsoft credentials (bleepingcomputer.com)

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

The Queen 200

Image Credit: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)