Phishing wave after Revolut security is compromised and personal information is stolen

Following a breach of security of the international financial technology company Revolut, which was quickly dealt with by their security team, over 50,000 client accounts were compromised and information stolen.

Although information such as, email addresses, phone numbers, account data and some limited credit/debit card data was stolen, PIN, detailed card data and passwords remained secure.

Revolut hack exposes data of 50,000 users, fuels new phishing wave (

The company warned users to be wary of any email or text communications wanting to change or enquire about account usernames and passwords.

What you should take-away from this:

  • If you suffer a cyber security incident, get out in front of it and let your clients, suppliers and associates know quickly there is an issue.
  • From the fact that some data was compromised, whilst others remained secure, we can surmise that Revolut had segmented the information for more resilient security.
  • They systems and people reacting quickly to the situation.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles