Threat actors will always take advantage of any crisis… UPDATED 21 September 2022

This post was first published on 8 September 2022

There are now real-world examples of scam emails and texts offering discounts and help with the rising cost of energy:

Warning over scam energy bill support messages – BBC News

This article by Shiona McCallum over on the BBC Technology News site includes screenshot examples of the scams and advice on how to protect yourself and your family.

You should go and read it and then talk to anyone you know who could be vulnerable to this type of scam (I called my Mother).

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Original Post

Threat actors have no scruples, they will try and scam people in any situation, COVID-19, wars, floods, on a less human impact level, software vulnerabilities and now the rising cost of living:

Criminals exploiting cost of living crisis with energy rebate scam emails | UK News | Sky News