Back to the supply chain and software compromise

When a threat actor compromises the coding of software the problems can be widepread – the SolarWinds attack and subsequent distribution of the infected software through legitimate update channels is a classic example. (Ironic but the SolarWinds customers who avoided the attack, were those with a poor cyber security stance when it came to updating their systems – they were the ones that did not update!)

I have written before about the issues of open source and “written for you” software – if you use either of these types of software then catch up on this article:

GitHub is a popular service used by many thousands of developers large and small to manage software development, code and code changes, and is a prime target for threat actors. A phishing attack has been discovered where the hackers are attempting to steal GitHub credentials and at he same time compromise the 2FA on the site:

Hackers stealing GitHub accounts using fake CircleCI notifications (

The phishing attack includes the social engineering ploy of threatening the loss of an essential service to the user unless they login and agree to a change of the vendor’s privacy policy – in this case the threat actors are impersonating CircleCI.

Then there is Python…

Here is a compromise that has got into many hundreds of thousands of software projects because it has been around for 15 years!

15-year-old Python flaw found in ‘over 350,000’ projects • The Register

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

SolarWinds hack explained: Everything you need to know (

Training for your team understand spam, phishing communications, social engineering and other cyber security threats and how toa void compromising your organisation.

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