What is hell? – #BeCyberSmart

Weekends here at Smart Thinking is when we run background and more in depth, longer reads about cyber security and technology.

So, we are starting our Cyber Security Awareness month – an event which will be all over social media – with an article about social media.

As Clive often says about the Weekend Reads, grab a beverage of your choice and settle down for a read.

Here is an interesting article looking at research into how other people’s interactions on social media causes us stress:

Finally, we have evidence that hell is other people on social media | The Observer

Your takeaway – take time to get away from social media – and with that in mind, Clive will be taking a break from Smart Thinking for a week towards the end of October and I will be filling for him.

Diana Catton MBA – by line and other articles

Further Reading

Social Media and Mental Health (repec.org)

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