Data Sovereignty. You should get involved…

So I have just finished reading this piece, on The Register:

Just how critical is data sovereignty? • The Register

It is sponsored by Intel and is collecting research information on how organisations think about their data sovereignty.

Not sure what data sovereignty is? Here is an example, you collect personal information (PII) on UK residents and organisations, you store this information on a public cloud service, run by a US company but actually located in mainland Europe, specifically in a country where EUGDPR applies. You of course are subject to the equivalent UKGDPR.

Now US law enforcement wants a copy of the data on that US owned server, which will include your data.

There is data sovereignty. Can the US law enforcement get to the PII you have stored there?

The survey is two questions, so why not have a look at the article and take part in the research project. Even if you do not fill out the survey reading the article should start you thinking about this complex situation.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Guide to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) | ICO


Hummel, P., Braun, M., Tretter, M., & Dabrock, P. (2021). Data sovereignty: A review. Big Data & Society8(1), 2053951720982012.

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