Because It’s Friday – back to space this week

The reason for the “Because It’s Friday” project was to lighten the content of this blog as my stories can be a stream of bad news. With the cyber security news this week of loss of privacy, the insider threat, our cars being vulnerable, threat actors hitting out at home users and that the biggest tech companies can make mistakes setting stuff up… In the real world, the economy roller coaster and Prime Minister musical chairs… I thought we could go back to space for a while with a bit of escapist science.

The James Webb Space Telescope mimics the Hubble Space Telescope

One of the most memorable images produced by Hubble was of a detail of the Eagle Nebula called The Pillars of Creation. Hubble made the original image back in 1995 (that’s when we set up Octagon Technology), now the James Webb team have gone back for another look – and the image is spectacular.

NASA’s Webb Takes Star-Filled Portrait of Pillars of Creation | NASA

My promo image above, does not do the detail justice, you should hop over and have a look at the original on JWST blog. There post includes a comparison image comparing the JWST version with the 1995, Hubble version.

There I hope that took your mind off the news for a while. Is more distraction needed? Here is the NASA YouTube video about the image:

Back to cyber security for the closing paragraph, there will be a couple of “weekend read” posts on Saturday and Sunday – some background to the threat landscape, for reading with a beverage of your choice!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

This is what I have been writing about over on our online train site CyberAwake:

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