Because It’s Friday – I know it’s Monday, but Diana and I need something to cheer us up today

If it is not space – see last week and the week before – my pet subject for “Because It’s Friday” is flying cars.

The image above is a Google search for “flying cars” so there have been quite a few of them over the years. Have a look at the post below, to see why when I was at school, I was promised a flying car.

There are proposals and prototypes for flying cars around at the moment, that may or may not get to market or even fly and I have featured some of those. Now there is an announcement of another contender in the flying car marketplace.

The Californian start-up company, Alef, has shown off its plan for a biplane, convertible flying car. The difference with this flying car is that in “car” mode it looks like a sleek roadster, is electric, takes off vertically and has Thunderbird 1 type swinging seats.


The flying car that could turn into a biplane – BBC News

Unfortunately, all it is at the moment is a model number – The Model A – CGI and dreams…

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Flying cars and related posts at Smart Thinking Solutions

Space – Smart Thinking Solutions

Because It’s Friday – back to space this week – Smart Thinking Solutions

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