Ransomware attacks are down – but here is why the headline statistic is not going to help with your cyber security…

A report from SonicWall shows that the number of Ransomware has dropped over the past months – however this is not the good news it appears to be as they have only dropped from the record highs of 2020/2021 and are still way above levels previous to that.

2022 SonicWall Threat Mindset Survey – SonicWall

To reinforce that ransomware is probably the dangerous cyber security threat you face both at home and at work here is an article from TechRepublic listing the most dangerous Ransomware groups operating at the moment.

The Most Dangerous Ransomware Groups of 2022 | TechRepublic

Make sure your ransomware precautions are up to date.

Not sure where to start?

Start with checking your team understanding what a phishing/social engineering attack is and then check you backup everything in a ransomware compliant way.

From there move onto applying “the principle of least privilege” across your organisation and information.

There is more but that is a good start.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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Cyber Security Experts | Awareness | Training (cyberawake.co.uk)

Why you should care about the TLA AAA! – CyberAwake

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