Business Email Compromise

Everyone needs policies and procedures that address the potential risk of business email compromise (BEC). That is when the threat actors through impersonation or compromised credentials get inside an email system and send malicious business instructions to your team pretending to senior people in your organisation or trusted partners.

Here is an international, high profile example, complete with the workings out so you can see how easy it is to implement:

New Crimson Kingsnake gang impersonates law firms in BEC attacks (

But this is not just a big business issue. Here is a local example:

Why I do not like “Meet the Team” web pages – CyberAwake

We have had to investigate and deal with a range of these types of attacks in smaller organisations. It is easy with a little thought to put breakers into your processes to protect yourself and your team. The trick is just do it!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

phishing emails
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