The Department of Education lack of due diligence

The Information Commissioner’s Office has found that staff at The Department of Education allowed a gambling company access to 28 million children to check if they were 18 when opening an account:

No-one needs persuading that a database of pupils’ learning records being used to help gambling companies is unacceptable. 

John Edwards, UK Information Commissioner

Department for Education warned after gambling companies benefit from learning records database | ICO

It appears that some changes of names and take overs of companies were involved in the data leak, but someone did not take the proper precautions when it came to the very personally identifiable information of 28 million children.

No names were named of the senior civil servant or minister who were in charge at the time.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.