Two very different hacking campaigns in the wild now

These two articles from Bleeping Computer shows the wide range of cyber security issues an organisation has to be aware of and take action about.

One is the traditional malware getting into your systems and stealing sensitive information which it then sends out to the threat actors, to be used in other subsequent attacks against you:

New StrelaStealer malware steals your Outlook, Thunderbird accounts (

The other is more subtle and is something you do not directly look after yourself as it is targeting your website.

15,000 sites hacked for massive Google SEO poisoning campaign (

Is your web designer protecting your website and your reputation as well as you would want them to?

Are you a web design company who could do with some help before a website you are responsible for is hacked and your client’s reputation ruined?

Further Reading

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.

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