Is Facebook is breaking UK data laws? But there is good news from Facebook.

Cambridge Analytica was someone else’s problem (SEP) but a high court case is soon to decide whether Meta and Facebook are breaking UK data privacy laws:

Facebook sued for collecting personal data to target adverts | Meta | The Guardian

Tanya O’Carroll is claiming Facebook is ignoring her requests to stop processing her personal information.

Your takeaway from this is, “Do you process and look after personally identifiable information within the law?”

On the plus side…

Facebook makes its money by processing your and my personal information to then supply us with adverts. To keep us coming back to consume this constant stream of paid advertising they enable all of us to connect and communicate – but some people abuse this.

Metais taking steps to protect people from “sextortion” across its platforms.

Meta cracks down on teen “sextortion” on Facebook, Instagram | Ars Technica

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

The Cambridge Analytica Files | The Guardian