Suffolk Police apologies after publishing highly sensitive information on its website – UPDATED

This post was originally made on 16 November 2022

Update 25 November 2022

There is no good news for the Suffolk Police force in this follow-up report, only bad news for the victims.

Suffolk Constabulary first published sex offence victims’ data in 2019 – BBC News

Original Post

Names, addresses and other details relating to sex abuse victims was made available in error on the Suffolk Police website.

…any leak could “put women at threat of further violence”.

Spokesperson for Suffolk Rape Crisis

The issue was resolved quickly and an apology issued but the data has still leaked out into the public domain.

Suffolk Police apology over sex abuse victims’ data on website – BBC News

Have you ever thought about sensitive data leaks via your website? Do you or your web developers have control over this? Does your web developer use in house or contract staff?