Fake Android app spotted by users but it still has a rating of 3.4 in the Google Play Store

Even though users are reporting that the app is fake in the reviews on Google Play Store, it is still available for download and getting positive ratings.

Malicious Android app found powering account creation service (bleepingcomputer.com)

The actions of the app to hijack account creation processes for major services such as Microsoft and Google almost seem secondary to fact the reviews are being ignored.

Do you read the reviews before downloading an app to your trusted smartphone?

And here is Android malware that is designed to steal Facebook credentials, which could include the credentials to your company Facebook page:

Android malware infected 300,000 devices to steal Facebook accounts (bleepingcomputer.com)

Do you have a policy and procedure document that is circulated and acknowledged by anyone on your team with an Android device?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Just Check

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