Twitter user data is from an old data breach but Uber’s is a new one!

The vast amount of Twitter user data that has recently been exposed online is from a data breach from 2021, not a new data breach according to Twitter.

Twitter confirms recent user data leak is from 2021 breach (

None of these big tech companies ever give the impression in their press releases that they understand that the data, they are so casually talking about, actually belongs to real people and can cause real people real problems. Their responses seem to be aimed at share holders and investors.

“…don’t worry, your data that was stolen from us was from back then, not now. – keep using our service…”

However Uber has suffered a new data breach. This was not a direct attack on them but on a partner with whom they share information for business operational purposes. The information the hacker have got access to is Uber corporate information not customer details – Uber appears to have been exercising correct control over what they had been sharing.

Uber suffers new data breach after attack on vendor, info leaked online (

Your takeaway from this

Make sure you have better responses for your customers and suppliers if the worse happens to you and don’t over share both internally and externally.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

There are no “good news” Twitter stories – Smart Thinking Solutions

Please Note:

I am on leave so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.