A new attack vector just round the corner…

…and it can be exploited with very little technical knowledge.

ChatGPT is an AI driven, chatbot, with powerful adaptable capabilities. During the open testing phase it has been used to write essays, papers and poetry and researching on new topics, among other tasks all to a “human” standard. Now human researchers at Check Point Research have found that the hacker and threat actor gang (I do not want to use the tag community) are looking to exploit this resource to carry out cyber attack operations.

Cybercriminals Starting to Use ChatGPT – Check Point Research

The researchers have found evidence in hacker forums that it does not require much coding knowledge to craft malware and malicious emails to carry out ransomware, espionage and other operations.

Participants in these forums are even crediting ChatGPT with helping them create their first malicious scripts.

The report by Check Pont Research makes interesting reading – for those interested in the technical background of the story. For the rest it is just something else that will need to be defended against.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles


Chatbot – Wikipedia