The tale of the MP’s stolen emails – just in case you are interested – Updated

I think I will just keep adding to this post as the politicians work their way through this cyber security issue.

Original Post 9 February 2023

There are cyber security implications here, that disevr to be properly investigated – an MP’s email have been stolen, either he was hacked or was not careful enough with information he was trusted with, or some other explanation – but we will not get that. What we will get is a Westminster/Edinburgh political media circus, where we the public will not be able to tell the truth from lies.

SNP MP Stewart McDonald’s emails hacked by Russian group – BBC News

Update 13 February 2023

And the circus starts here:

Former diplomat claims to have SNP MP’s hacked emails – BBC News

This story also has a number of serious national cyber security issues, all covered by a raft of laws, that need to be properly investigated. I think the possession of stolen data and the threat to publish it – if I remember the lectures on the Computer Misuse Act – is illegal. It depends on who decides what “legitimate public interest” is.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles