WordPress vulnerabilities and you

Over the last two weeks we have had two WordPress jobs.

One came about when our sysadmin discovered, during a routine system check, that a client’s site was using several insecure plugins. She contacted the client and their web designer and a disaster was averted – that web designer has signed up to our WordPress monitoring and backup service since then.

The second was to rebuild a hacked site for a new client (sent to use by through another client recommending us) from some scraps of backup a defunct web designer had provided to the client, uninfected pages and some Word documents from the original development project.

They have also signed up to our monitoring and backup service.

Insecure WordPress plugins are a constant security risk – this is in the tech press today:

Critical flaws in WordPress Houzez theme exploited to hijack websites (bleepingcomputer.com)

So are you using insecure plugins? Do you even know if your website is built on WordPress? Have you read this article?

How much are you relying on your web designer to protect your reputation? – CyberAwake

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Please Note:

I am on the road and away from the office, so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.