Now think about the children… TikTok

TikTok has been in the news lately as governments and organisations around the world ban the app from official devices over security concerns and TikTok sharing information with the Chinese Government.

Is TikTok a security risk? – Smart Thinking Solutions

The cyber security risks of TikTok are complex, but organisations should take responsibility for any social media platform they officially use and the content that is posted on there in their name. Both from a reputational position and from a cyber security position.

However following and investigation by the Information Commissioner’s Office there is no doubt that TikTok did misuse the information of UK children, including allowing under 13 year olds to use the platform (and at the same time of course earn TikTok profits).

ICO fines TikTok £12.7 million for misusing children’s data | ICO

Are you not sure if you have a social media policy or even what needs to be in one? Then we can help.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

TikTok on Smart Thinking Solutions

Smart Thinking Solutions supports this UK Government initiative:

Let’s stop abuse together – Stop Abuse Together (