Will Robots Rule the World?

Robots taking over? Clive is not sure but…

A couple of weeks ago we were invited to speak to a Zoom meeting and this was basically a Question and Answer session.

After reassuring the group that no question was too silly to ask, just that nobody had been brave enough to ask it, we started to get some which were slightly off the wall…

  • Will robots ever rule the world?
  • What exactly is metaverse?
  • In 1969 the Apollo 11 Guidance Computer had RAM of 4KB, a 32KB hard disk. Will computers advance as quickly over the next 50 years as they have over the last 50 years?
  • If you could ask your computer to perform a task for you to help your business or everyday life, what would it be?


Robots have of course been busily working in our factories for many years now, but whether they will rule the world is unlikely – humans will still be needed to develop and program them for the foreseeable future.  However, they could be driving taxis and cooking fast food soon, according to Clive!

The metaverse is planned as a totally immersive 3D virtual space where you can perhaps experience a different sort of life, and probably the first example of this was Second Life, which became hugely popular in the early 2000s. It is still around and in it you can live life through your avatar, interact with others, buy and sell things, and so on.  A less comfortable aspect is the way in which the metaverse collects your data to sell you things.

Computers will continue to develop fast, as predicted by Moore, whose law states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years. His law was updated as time passed, and the ways in which computers develop will vary to fit in with the needs of modern society. Moore has unfortunately just passed away, but his contribution will not be forgotten!

Getting a computer to phone your clients and chase them to pay invoices would be a good thing, as late payments are the bane of small business life.

Cyber Security and Your Business

After a while, the questions became the kind of thing we are more used to, such as when should a business consider outsourcing their IT, what cyber threats are out there, what are the ways in which our client needs are changing, and does outsourcing have more advantages than just cost saving?

If outsourcing your IT and Cyber Security is a decision you feel you have to make, consider what you get from a company like ours – a team of specialists, all for less than the price of even part of a new member of staff (depending on the size of your company and your needs of course). You also have peace of mind, knowing that experts will guide you on how to protect your IT from outside threats and how to keep your data secure so that a disaster will not bring your business down.

Clive loves talking!

If you would like us to speak at your events, please get in touch.

Diana Catton MBA – by line and other articles

Photo by Chris Montgomery

This article was originally published on Octagon Technology.