A condom in use!

Last Friday I ran a story on the use of so called USB condom to protect yourself from data theft via public USB charging ports.

Now if that title is not click bait, then I do not know what is!

Using my USB Condom

This week I am away and the accommodation has USB ports by the bed, for our convenience – so now you can see my USB condom in action.

Do I think this USB port is hacked and going to steal my data? No, of course not. However can I guarantee that the iPhone 14 Pro Max, that I will later plug into this port (I took the photo with the iPhone) will not be damaged because the port is not working properly. No.

I primarily use this gadget to protect and control the power being supplied to my devices when I use these type of USB ports – and a s bonus I also get data protection. The risk is not zero, when out and about, so why not physically protect your device and take a step towards better cyber security as well.

One more thing…

Speaking as an iPhone/iPad user – versions of Android may have different responses – when I plug my device into a USB port that wants to exchange data, I am challenged as to whether I want to trust the device wanting access. Obviously you should say “NO” if it is a USB port in a plane, train, café etc., unplug your device and find somewhere else to charge it.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Please Note:

I am on the road and away from the office, so the news this week is “in brief”. You can still contact me via the contact page and Octagon Technology.

Photo © Clive Catton www.clivecatton.co.uk

usb condom in use