Another WordPress Vulnerability

WordPress is an extremely popular platform for producing web content – so threat actors are constantly probing it looking for gaps in the security. The popular plug-ins also make great targets because if their security fails the potential victims can number in the many thousands. Or millions.

WordPress Elementor plugin bug let attackers hijack accounts on 1M sites (

Do you know if this cyber security issue impacts you?

You should.

Read this article it explains why you need to take control of your web presence:

What do you know about your website? – CyberAwake

Diana Catton MBA – by line and other articles

My advice: Either you or your IT support need to check whether these issues impact your systems. You need to have a master document that details your systems, hardware, software, online, networks, back-ups, suppliers etc – so when cyber security (or operational) issues arise you and your support teams can quickly check if you are affected. From there you can take fast, effective action.

Clive is away this week, so I am writing the news. You can still get in touch with us via the contact page.