Apple’s report into how it stops App Store crimes

I choose not to call them scams but crimes.

The Apple App Store is well curated, that is one of Apple’s selling points for its products – the added security this curation brings. But of course, the threat actors are always looking for ways to squeeze past this curation. Apple and these criminals are in a constant contest.

Here is Apple’s report on that contest:

App Store stopped more than $2 billion in fraudulent transactions in 2022 – Apple

Here are Apple’s headline score on protecting it’s users.

Apple App Store Stats

Your takeaway from this though is that althougn Apple in proactive in defending the App Store and its devices – staff still gets past them and you need to have your Apple devices included for monitoring and patching in your Cyber Security Master Document.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading