WordPress Elementor Plugin Under Attack

Earlier in the week I wrote about the issues with the WordPress plugin Elementor. Now the vulnerabilities I wrote about are being actively scanned for by threat actors:

Hackers target vulnerable WordPress Elementor plugin after PoC released (bleepingcomputer.com)

Have you or your web designers updated your website? (We have.)

Do you even know if Elementor is installed on your site or whether it is even based on WordPress?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading

Let’s Talk About WordPress

How much are you relying on your web designer to protect your reputation?

My advice: Either you or your IT support need to check whether these issues impact your systems. You need to have a master document that details your systems, hardware, software, online, networks, back-ups, suppliers etc – so when cyber security (or operational) issues arise you and your support teams can quickly check if you are affected. From there you can take fast, effective action.