Spyware hacked

LetMeSpy is advertised as software that can be installed on an Android device to allow parents to keep an eye on children or employers to monitor their staff. Both of which if done in the clear are a good idea, the employer option has some really positive outcomes when it comes to lone workers.

However there is a more sinister side to the software if installed on the without the owners consent. The app does not appear on the home screens and it is very difficult to remove once installed. Leading to this software being used as stalkerware by anyone who has access to the target phone.

Once installed data such as messages, location, call logs etc are uploaded silently to LetMeSpy servers. From there the person who installed the software and owns the account can browse and search the information – there is no need to describe the outcomes by some of these users.

No it appears that the LetMeSpy servers have been wiped of data, but not before that hacker had downloaded all the information.

LetMeSpy, a phone tracking app spying on thousands, says it was hacked | TechCrunch

Some organisations that have access to stolen data are exercising careful control of the who they let see the data – such as the journalists at TechCrunch – so that the vast amount of personally identifiable information does not get out into the public domain.

It is not known what the hacker’s motive was or intentions are. It is known that it will be difficult to contact the victims and to decide who the victims are.

In most situations the victims are the customers, but here if the software has been installed without consent, the true victims are those being spied on. Notifying either side in these situations could lead to situations with bad outcomes.

Once piece of advice from TechCruch:

You should also switch on Google Play Protect, one of the best safeguards to defend against malicious Android apps, if it isn’t already. You can do this from the settings menu in Google Play.

Zack Whittaker – TechCrunch

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

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