Time to think about AI

Here is a thought provoking essay from the public-interest technologist Bruce Schneier:

AI and Microdirectives – Schneier on Security

Something to read with the morning coffee this weekend.

Further Reading

It is actually “further listening – The BBC Reith Lectures, by Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science and founder of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence at the University of California, Berkeley, from 2021.

Something I am listening to – AI and why people should be thinking | Smart Thinking Solutions

The Reith Lecture – “do not design algorithms that can decide to kill humans” | Smart Thinking Solutions

“What we’ll be doing when AI is doing most of what we currently call work” – The Reith Lecture | Smart Thinking Solutions

AI is the future and we cannot avoid the consequences – but what are we going to do about it? | Smart Thinking Solutions