How does ransomware breach your defences?

In many cases the threat actors exploit a weakness in software you are using, This is what has happened in the case of the Clop ransomware gang, the flawed MOVEit software and the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing:

Colorado warns 4 million of data stolen in IBM MOVEit breach

Now comes the question of pay or not to pay?

If you are not going to pay – the stolen data could be used to launch a range of phishing attacks. But not necessarily against the organisation that was originally breached, but attacking their clients, employees and other stakeholders.

This has led to the latest triple threat ransomware tactic:

Ransomware where do you start?

I am going to suggest here, with my mini-series on Ransomware:

Then get in contact with and we can help you create a cyber resilience plan to cope with ransomware and other cyber security risks.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles