Don’t forget ransomware

Lawrence Abrams has a good article on Bleeping Computer reminding us all that ransomware is still a major cyber security threat for everyone.

The Week in Ransomware – August 18th 2023 – LockBit on Thin Ice

The article goes into explain that the “successful” ransomware gang LockBit are having difficulties extorting their victims because their illicit infrastructure cannot cope with their hacking volume!

Three stage ransomware

When ransomware first appeared things were rather simple. Stealth malware would encrypt your data, once done a screen would then pop-up with a ransom demand. You can combat this with a ransomware resistant back-up, like the ones we supply.

Now things are more sophisticated.

Take a few minutes and catch up with ransomware – including the latest tactic of extorting your staff and other stakeholders holders directly – with my Ransomware Primer. Not only do I explain the attacks but there are mitigating solutions as well:

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading