Why knowing what is installed on your network is important…

Here is a cautionary tale of redundant software.

Before Macs got dark mode, many companies produced dark mode applets and many Mac users who could not live without dark mode, downloaded them and used them. Then Apple introduced dark mode and these applets became redundant. Many users uninstalled the applets but other just left the unused software on their machines.

NightOwl was such an app. The issue here was that the software was bought by another “company”, who rewrote the code and sent an update out to all the users who had left NIghtOwl on their machines. That update then hijacked their computer, stealing data and exfiltrating it.

How NightOwl for Mac Added a Botnet (gizmodo.com)

Your takeaway from this is keep track of any and all software that is installed on your system and have a policy in place for accepting new software.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles