Cyber Criminals will attack and exploit anything and anyone!

I often refer to threat actors and hackers here on Smart Thinking and in other cyber security article I write for other outlets, however these are useful terms but in reality I am writing about cyber criminals.

These cyber criminals operate indiscriminately in a globally connected environment and they have no scruples when it comes to exploitation, including hospitals for sick children and victims of any natural or manmade disaster.

SickKids impacted by BORN Ontario data breach that hit 3.4 million (

PayPal and Twitter abused in Turkey relief donation scams (

New AtlasCross hackers use American Red Cross as phishing lure – BleepingComputer

You may not be a primary target, but any target will do a cyber criminal.

Is it time to get your cyber security and IT reviewed?

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles