Because It’s Friday – The Future with Isaac Asimov

I liked most of the Foundation Series but to be honest, Isaac Asimov and all those robots and laws, really was not my thing. I was more space opera.

However Dr. Isaac Asimov was a smart man – he advertised computers:

Dr Isaac Asimov advertising a pocket computer

I had one of these computers, I picked it up at Strutton Ground Market, secondhand with a book of programs, in the mid-80s. Compared with the pocket computers of 2023 – which we call smartphones – the 1.5k machine running BASIC was not very capable, but I used it for some Amateur Radio calculations and it was fun.

It was the future.

The Future with Isaac Asimov

So here is the point of today’s “Because It’s Friday” – a video I found on YouTube of Isaac Asimov being asked about his thoughts for the future and how he wrote 200+ books.

It is a fun interview and does include some “what ifs” that have come true. Including the fact that George Lucas would take forever to complete his Star Wars saga.

That’s it for today, no extras, have a good weekend.


Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) – by-line and other articles

Further Reading